Love Your Library? Help Safeguard Funding for 2019!



According to the ALA (American Library Association),

“…despite the additional federal dollars for domestic programs in 2018, the 2019 budget proposed later in February 2018 by the White House again eliminates funding for libraries across the country through LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) and IAL (Innovative Approaches to Literacy), and the fight to reinstate and retain this primary source of federal support for libraries, as well as other programs affecting libraries, will continue into the next year.


On May 7-8, nearly 500 library advocates are heading to Washington, D.C. to meet with their Senators and Representatives. You can help boost the signal! There are three “asks” for National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) this year:

  • House & Senate: Reauthorize the Museum and Library Services Act (S. 2271)
  • House & Senate: Fully Fund LSTA and IAL for FY 2019
  • House & Senate: Visit a library, see broadband access in action

You have plenty of ways to participate in NLLD from home! Check out the toolkit, with suggestions for spreading the word through social media and writing your elected officials an email inviting them to tour your library.


Check the LSTA and IAL letter trackers to see if your Senators and Representatives signed this year! If not, please consider contacting them! You can find your elected officials here.


I love my library and depend on it in so many ways beyond finding books and other media! It’s also an important social hub in the city square that offers programs like book clubs and writing critique groups, along with available space for tutoring. What do you appreciate most about your library?




“National Library Legislative Day”, American Library Association, March 27, 2018. (Accessed May 3, 2018)Document ID: 855aa32e-90b8-5164-3dcb-487bdac4a42d

8 thoughts on “Love Your Library? Help Safeguard Funding for 2019!

  1. My goodness, now is not the time to reduce funding for libraries, which are clearly an enabler of modern democracy and one way to reduce knowledge gaps. Thank you for passing on this information, I think this is super important.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Local councils are always trying to close down our libraries. Our Victorian ancestors would be turning in their graves; they set up reading rooms etc so everyone could have access to books. Our local libraries do so much, from babies’ rhyme time to ‘Books on Wheels’ – taking books out to the housebound and elderly, which I help with, some of our readers are over a hundred!


  3. Libraries offer so many free resources. I greatly appreciate free books, magazines, movies, programs, classes, and online research tools. I’ve also enjoyed sharing my books with others at the library through story time and presentations. As I mention on my website, it can be challenging for me to go more than a week without visiting my local library.

    Liked by 1 person

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